Category: General
SJC Spirit and Grad Wear
The community of St. John Chrysostom CES will once again be partnering with the Newmarket Food Pantry to assist families in need during this season of gratitude for all of God’s blessings. We will be participating in a Thanksgiving One Day Fall Food Drive on October 5, 2021.
On October 5, 2021, bins will be placed outside near the front door entrance of ... Continue reading ""
Please find the attached Parent weekly update.
SJC Library Learning Commons
The library is the hub of SJC. It is the resource centre that offers opportunities for students from K-gr. 8 to access independent reading material, research various topics and find new avenues of exploration. It provides opportunities for learning; students learn to create, think critically, collaborate and communicate with each other. We invite you to visit our LLC website created by our Teacher-Librarian, Ms. Totten. ... Continue reading "SJC Library Learning Commons"