
News Stories


Due date for Big Box of Cards fundraiser is on Monday October 15th!  All money raised will be put towards technology and manipulatives to increase student engagement and academic achievement.  Thank you for supporting SJC!


SJC TERRY FOX RUN will take place on Friday September 28th!  Don’t forget your toonie for Terry.

We will also be collecting school snacks and cereal for the Newmarket Food Pantry on Friday September 28th.


Welcome back students and families of SJC!  School starts Tuesday September 4th.  Students in Grades 1-8 are asked to meet on the on pavement between 8:45am and 9am.  Teachers will be there with class lists.   Kindergarten students are to go to the Kindergarten area where they will be met by their teachers and ECE.  In case of rain, Grades 1-8 are to assemble in the ... Continue reading "WELCOME BACK!"

High School Information Night For Parents / Guardians of Grade 8 students

Our York Catholic High Schools are looking forward to welcoming Grade 8 students to their upcoming High School Information Nights taking place this Fall.

The High School Information Night provides students and their parents with a chance to tour the high school facility, learn about the various programs and options available to them, and meet current staff and students who can ... Continue reading "High School Information Night For Parents / Guardians of Grade 8 students"