Category: General

SJC’s Luke 4:18 and The Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The Christmas season is a time to enjoy the many blessings we have and to give to those less fortunate.  We invite you to participate in our Annual St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Drive.  The donations received provide our neighbours in need in the Newmarket area with gift cards and necessities to make their holidays brighter.  The St. Vincent de Paul Organization will purchase food ... Continue reading "SJC’s Luke 4:18 and The Society of St. Vincent de Paul"

Advent Mass

December is about slowing down and preparing our hearts and souls for the coming of Christ.  We begin our Church liturgical year on Sunday, December 3rd, the first Sunday of Advent.  During the month of December, we celebrate the virtue of HOPE, which is strongly associated with the Advent Season.  We invite our SJC families to join us Tuesday, December 5 at 1:30pm,  for our ... Continue reading "Advent Mass"

Treaty Recognition Week Nov. 6-10

The York Catholic District School Board celebrates Treaty Recognition Week, November 6-10, 2023.  The YCDSB recognizes Treaty Recognition Week as part of our ongoing journey of healing and reconciliation.  As we continue this journey together, we gratefully acknowledge that our York Catholic schools rest on traditional territory of Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Huron-Wendat.

The York Catholic District School Board celebrates Treaty Recognition Week, November ... Continue reading "Treaty Recognition Week Nov. 6-10"

Halloween Danceathon Fundraiser

On Tuesday, October 31,  students in JK-Grade 8 will be participating in a school dance-a-thon.  We will be fundraising for various school needs and initiatives such as,  school technology, school-wide presentations, and/or musical instruments.

Students have  received an envelope/pledge form.  Individual student pledge forms are due to the classroom teacher on  October 30, 2023.  For every $5 pledged, students will receive one ballot ... Continue reading "Halloween Danceathon Fundraiser"

Thanksgiving Mass

Please join us for our Thanksgiving Mass on Tuesday, October 2 at 9:30am. We welcome Fr. Carlos, our Celebrant, and we thank our Junior Division teachers and students for organizing and  leading the Mass. We are happy to share that our monthly visits from Fr. Landorff and/or Fr. Carlos will resume this year and begin on October 2nd in the afternoon.